Father has done some incredible things since I've been here. He's brought some amazing young girls into my life who were broken and living in complete darkness but now have found light. Some days it's challenging to answer the questions they come up with, i rely fully on Father to guide my mouth and speak the words out of me. The one who breathed life into me is breathing it out of me and into my sweet friends giving them this same beautiful life.
Marina is a sister. I began hanging out with her after meeting her at a local HC here. We started meeting after class having lunch and talking. She had lots of questions about boys and relationships. She is desperate and wants to find the right guy. Hahaha don't all girls. We looked into the Word and helped her to find out to be patient and trust inFather that He would give her he disires of her heart. For now while waiting she can sere Father and remain obedient to Him. She is growing so much in walk and is sharing her love of Father with others on campus.
(Pic below, Marina is on the right black and red dress)
Alice is a new sister I met last May while some volunteers were here. She became a sister while that group was here and i continued to meet with her. We meet every Friday night and study the Word together. She has so many questions. Each week she comes to my home and has read chapers and the word and has pages of questions about what certain things from the book means. Together we seek more and pr@y together for Father to reveal the meaning to her. Soon she will be partaking in getting "washed!!"
(Below Alice is on the left in black.)
Jennifer i recently met. She attends English corner that i teach each week and is a very close friend of Marina's, who i talked about above. She has been hearing about Father from Marina and myself. Recently while a volunteer group was here she was able to hear so much more than she had heard before. She came to my home with two other, marina and a girl from the volunteer grop and we wathced a film about Father. After watching we asked questions and she said, "i see that living a life following this Father seems like a much better way to live. It seems like a happoer life." Se went on talking about how Marina has been a big influence on her. That made me so happy to hear! She is still seeking and is not ready to make a decision. Please join me in pr@ying for Jennifer that she will fully trust in Father and give her heart to Him.
I am not looking forward to these months going by fast, i want it to be slow. This place has become home to me and I look forward to the many blessing that will come in these next few months. We have 2 more volunteer groups coming soon. One in March and another in June. One group from my University in Mississippi and the other my old student leader back in Florida. It does my heart some good having these groups come in and does it even more good when they are close friends of mine. Please pr@y as they prepare to come.
I leave you with this quote that i read when i first felt Father telling me to "Go!"
"God uses people. God uses people to perform His work. He does not send angels. Angels weep over it, but God does not use angels to accomplish His purposes. He uses burdened broken-hearted weeping men and women". – David Wilkerson
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