Friday, December 9, 2011

Tis the season!!! What's that you ate?

So it is almost Christmas time and I'm excited to welcome some friends coming from America!! They will be here in a week and will stay for about two weeks. I'm pumped for them to come and join in on the work here. The week of Christmas I will be hosting three Christmas parties so be lifting up those who will come and here The Story and conversations that will happen.

So this past week I took part in eating something that I swore I'd never do. (Dog lovers you may want to skip this paragraph 8^)) I went out to eat with some friends on Tuesday night to a Korean BBQ place and my friends ordered our meal. We had beef, pork and tofu cooking on our small grill and another dish that was placed in front of me. This dish had meat, egg, rice and other vegetables in it. As I began to mix it all together and take a bite my friend said this is dog meat, yes that's what I typed, dog meat. All I could think about was my previous pet dogs, but I continued to eat. I don't think I will be eating this kind of dish anymore, hopefully.

Language study is continuing to go well. I finished week 3 today and am still not talking. It's great!! I am improving a lot in my listening skills and my tutor is absolutely amazing. I have never felt so encouraged by someone before. When I can't seem to point to where the word is that she is saying she tells me "I wont tell you but I think you can get it." And when I do get it she tells me "very good, so smart." This helps a lot with not getting frustrated and keeps me motivated.

Today I went on a little adventure to a park here in my city with a friend named Dan Dan. We met at campus and took the bus and along the way she told me different facts about our city which was neat to learn. When we arrived at the park I was blown away at how big it was. We had a good hike up the mountain and when we reached the top we could see the whole city. It was so beautiful and cool looking to get to look over our whole city. We had so many good conversations and I'm definitely excited about our new friendship.

That's all I have for now. Below are some pic's from the park. (sorry no pic's of the dog)

View from kitchen window

Office View

Park entrance


Made it t the top

Dan Dan and I

About to climb to the top
to get on roof. Way too many 
stairs inside

View from the roof

Our city and the river 

Monkey's (There's a zoo)

Fighting over chip bag

Big furry tractor (bear)

Frozen lake